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We live in a funny world—one where entrepreneurial motivations are often characterized as greedy and unfeeling. But that’s not the truth in most cases. What motivates most entrepreneurs to start their own business is not the money or success, it’s something much more fundamental to the human spirit—FREEDOM.
If you find yourself longing for more freedom for yourself and your family, I believe that what happened in my life will serve as an illustration of what can happen for you. It’s not a path everyone is wired to take but for those who are ready and willing, it’s a path that leads to a lifestyle of freedom.
You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in…
- How I was prompted to start my own firm— and how it relates to you [1:31]
- Avoiding the mistakes and pitfalls of starting your own business [2:30]
- Becoming the best version of who you were made to be [3:21]
The email that pushed me over the edge
May of 2008 was not the best time to launch a new business. The most significant financial crisis of my generation was in full swing, but I’d had enough. An email from the “mother ship” that I worked with at the time had sent yet another email questioning the advice and recommendations I had made to a client. That was it. It pushed me over the edge and I decided then and there to start my own firm.
And it was the best business decision I’ve ever made.
What I really wanted was freedom to chart my own course
I didn’t buck at the oversight of my parent company because I’m so proud that I can’t take direction. It’s not that at all. I’m wired to take initiative, to do what I believe is best and right in every situation. When someone in a place of authority tells me I can’t do that, it bothers me. A lot.
I wanted (and needed) the ability to map out a destination of my own making. When that email came in, something in me snapped—in a good way—and the solopreneur in me sprang to life. If you’ve read this far you’re probably like me in some ways. You want the freedom to make your own decisions, to build something that provides a meaningful life for you and your family. If so, I invite you to learn from the hard lessons I share and to prepare yourself to be challenged. The solopreneur in you is waiting to come to life. Will you let her/him?
Entrepreneurial motivation is not about the money, but it IS important
“The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” We’ve all heard that statement and we all know exactly what it’s talking about. Many people allow the pursuit of money to consume them and it takes a toll on them and the people around them.
For that reason, I want to be clear: even though the word “money” is in the title of this podcast, it is NOT what this show is about. My focus is to help you focus on the things that matter instead of on the money, things like your family, your future, your dreams, and the contributions you can make to the world. If I’m able to help you build those things in a healthy way, I’ll be a happy man.
So, where DOES money come in? It’s one tool among many that helps us create those things and if you don’t know how to use it, manage it, and make it work toward those goals, you’ll be worse off than when you started. Join me as we learn together how to make money your servant rather than your master.
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